Have a Say in the Next Big Thing!


The world of cocktails is changing, and if you've ever taken a class with us, you'll know that while booze can be a fun part of mixology, it's not the only part (or even the most important!).

Flavour and taste are aspects of drinking that we shouldn't throw to the wayside, and we'd love to know what inspires you to sip!

Join HOLLOW LEG in the conversation and have a say in the next big trends and concepts of 2018! How? By signing up for one of the following events and get rewarded for your involvement (limited space available):

  1. #DrinkFocus - An exclusive focus group for new 2018 concepts in the beverage world,
    taking place on Wednesday 1 November from 5:30 to 7:00pm. 
  2. #DrinkForward - An immersive happy hour with drinks, light food, and new people on Thursday 2 November from 5.00 - 8.00pm (about one hour of time needed). It's going to be an awesome night!

We look forward to seeing you there, and keep drinking interestingly!

Devin KidnerComment