Science Corner: Do You Drink Too Much?

There are a million reasons to imbibe in alcoholic beverages: The taste, to celebrate a milestone, to get a fun buzz, for educational purposes (you know, like coming to a cocktail class!), and so on.

But in a recent study by the British charity Drinkaware, drinking to cope with stress topped the charts for half of British adults as to why they drink.

  • Almost three in five (58%) of all people (aged 18-75) who drink alcohol are doing so at least some of the time because it helps them to cope
  • 38% of men and women who said they had drunk alcohol in the last year had done so to forget their problems
  • 47% said they had done so to cheer themselves up when in a bad mood
  • 41% said that they had drunk alcohol because it helps when they feel depressed or nervous
  • People in lower social grades are drinking to forget their problems or when they are depressed or nervous at a significantly higher rate
Cocktail Classes +Mixology Parties (6).png

Listen, we're a mixology education company, but it's important to us that folks are just that - educated - about alcohol, how it can be mixed into drinks, and most importantly, how to drink it responsibly, so that you associate alcohol with good times, rather than times over the toilet.

And really, with all of the scary facts coming out about alcohol consumption in the United States, we consider it a mission that you are armed with the information you need to make responsible choices.

After all, how terrifying is it that a recent study by the Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology at Cambridge University (reported through the Telegraph) "has found that when the body processes alcohol it produces a chemical called acetaldehyde which is harmful to DNA."

This chemical can actually "snap" the DNA of stem cells, alter the genetic code permanently, and trigger cancer! Yikes! This means that there is real evidence that overconsumption of alcohol can raise the rick of cancer.

Or that overconsumption is no longer an issue that only men have to seriously consider. Nope, ladies are now closing the gap on overconsumption, according to a study published this month in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research.

NPR covered the reporting of this study, showing that ER visits for alcohol-related issues is increasing dramatically among women, and that "Nearly 88,129 deaths annually were caused by excess drinking in the U.S. between 2006 and 2010, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."



What can you do to combat overconsumption? Never fear, HOLLOW LEG has your back.

We're going to have a series of No-Proof and Low-Proof Mixology Classes this year that will focus on making delicious drinks without over-pouring the booze (or not pouring the booze at all). And we've also got a new mission focused on Democratic Drinking, which you can find here, published on X Chrome Collective's site. 

We'll also be publishing a list of bars and restaurants that focus on Low-and-No-Proof Mixology so that you can make better informed decisions when going out with friends. It's not that you have to cut alcohol out completely, but taking a break to imbibe in a drink with less booze every now and again can never hurt!

Do you have ideas or suggestions on bars you've hit up that feature awesome booze-less drinks? Let us know by commenting and we can add to the list! Until then, take care of yourselves! Cheers!

Devin KidnerComment